Process Analysis

The processanalysis is first step in an analysis on organisational level.
This analysis is qualitatively in nature of the processes and information systems. It comprises: - security requirements derived from processes and systems - rules which will guarantee the proper working of the systems

process analysis

Two products are developed by Secure Connection to provide assistance for this kind of analysis:

- Quick Process Scan
- Business Process Security analysis (BPSA)

The Quick Process Scan is a scan to get a concise view on where the focus in an organisation should lie.
Business Process Security Analysis is implemented in an expert system. This system works on the basis of answers which must be provided from there facts are direived. When answers are ambiguous or no conclusive additional questions are posed.

The quick scan is specially designed to get a quick (but limited) view on the requirements of an organisation regarding protection of its major assets. The Business Process Security analysis provides a more in depth view of the needs with regard to security.